The duvet cover is done with Amy Butler's Love fabrics. I stuffed an old comforter in it, and as you can see at the bottom I'm still working out the kinks to get it to fall straight.
For the back of the duvet I used a queen size flat sheet, cheap and easy.
The shams have a small ruffle around the edges. I did a 12-stitch pleat, mostly by hand since my pleater is on the fritz. again.
For the backs of the shame I used scraps, which were not quite long enough to overlap, thus the ribbon ties. The pattern goes different directions, but eh, it's the back.
The bedskirt has one double box pleat on each side. I used an old sheet for the decking.
Closeup of the pleat. It started as a simple box pleat but I wanted it to kick out more so I folded it an extra time under there, which did the trick nicely.
I'm pleased with the outcome and surprised at how easy it was! Really, it was easy. So easy I thought about writing a tutorial for it. Is anyone interested?